King’s Kids thanks contributors
Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 13, 2004
Suffolk News-Herald
In his remarks last weekend to the King’s Kids of America Inc., Suffolk Mayor E. Dana Dickens III stressed the importance of the youth’s organization’s goals and how they benefit the children and city at large.
The King’s Kids teach – such as values and spirituality – these things are needed in today’s environment.
When new businesses seek to come to Suffolk, they want to know what kind of workers are in Suffolk. King’s Kids helps to produce such people.
King’s Kids helps kids with self-esteem. The projects that are done help to expose them to things that help them to be well-rounded individuals.
Dickens also said, &uot;the greatest joy is giving. The greatest loss is the loss of respect. The most satisfying work is helping others. Our greatest natural asset is our youth. The greatest shot-in-the-arm is encouragement. The most powerful words in the English language are &uot;I can.&uot; The greatest asset we all have is our faith.&uot;
The gathering took place last Saturday in the church’s fellowship hall, the site of the third annual reception to thank contributors of the past year.
Bronze awards went to those who have given from $1 to $499: William and Sarah Blair (Blair Brothers Corp.)*; Futrell and Futrell Properties*; Faith Temple Apostolic Church*; Aubrey and Lorraine Skeeter*; Duke Automotive; Slimbo Trucking*; Attorney Dwayne Strothers; First Federal Savings Bank of Virginia; Councilman Charles Brown*; William and LaVerne Flythe; J. Walter Hosier and Sons Inc.; Parrish Catering Service; Parrish Logging; and William and Laverne Reid.
The Silver Award went to Birdsong Peanuts. ($500 – $999).
The Gold Award went to the Suffolk Ruritan Club ($1,000 – $4,999). The club was represented by Commonwealth’s Attorney Phil Ferguson, Sheriff Raleigh Isaacs and Suffolk Clerk of Court Randy Carter.
Faithful supporters, those who have given monthly, were recognized as well:
Cecile S. Cherry, Bishop Obadiah Colander, the organization’s founder, Gloria Riddick, Dwayne Miller, Bernadine Colander, and James and Betty Weston.
Other contributors: Helivi L. Holland, Larry and Sylvia B. Bilby, Daniel and Lavone Green, Councilman Curtis R. Milteer Sr., Marion Matthews, Loretta Johnson, Vera Mae King, Laverne Johnson, Evangeline Mercer, and Stacey Powell.
*Annual contributors