Sara Nichols, John Cooper wed in Liberty Spring Christian
Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 20, 2004
Sara Christian Nichols and John Kenneth Cooper were united in marriage at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 12, 2004, in Liberty Spring Christian Church, Suffolk.
The Rev. Dolan A. Talbert officiated.
The reception followed at the Manning Road Club House.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Emery Nichols of Suffolk.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Cooper of Scotland Neck, N.C.
The bride is the granddaughter of Mrs. Ethel D. Nichols of Suffolk, and the late Charlie E. Nichols, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Joel Edward Harrell Jr., who also lived in Suffolk.
The groom is the grandson of Mrs. Mary P. Grimes of Scotland Neck, and the late John W. Grimes, and Mrs. Edith Edmondson of Scotland Neck, and the late Willie B. Cooper.
Margaret N. Taylor of Charlottesville, sister of the bride, served as matron of honor.
Bridesmaids were Helen M. Cooper and Mary Elizabeth Cooper of Scotland Neck, sisters of the groom; Mary Catherine Revelle of Suffolk; and Alecia N. Melton of Greenville, N.C.
Kenneth A. Cooper, father of the groom, served as best man.
Groomsmen included Brent M. Lubbock of Scotland Neck; T. Brent Woolard of Raleigh, N.C.; Wythe F. Josey of Wilson, N.C.; Christopher R. Hall and George T. Branch III of Greenville, N.C.; and Bradley S. Jones of Charlotte, N.C.
Mrs. Tracy L. Francis and Mrs. Helen H. Seldon served as mistresses of ceremonies.
Readings were given by W. Baker Henderson Jr. of Wilmington, N.C., and J. Andrew McNeal of New York City.
Ms. Marjorie Setnicky served as organist.
Erin L. Hatfield was the guestbook attendant, and Julie M. Simmons was the program attendant.
Following a honeymoon to the Netherlands, the couple will reside in Greenville.