June 23, 1941
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Nationwide patriotic rally planned for Fourth of July
WASHINGTON (AP) – President Roosevelt will address the country by radio on the Fourth of July, it was announced last night, in a nationwide rally in which every American is expected to participate.
Mayor Florello LaGuardia of New York, who is organizing the program as civilian defense director, said it was planned for the whole country to play the national anthem at the same time and that &uot;all Americans in unison, 130,000,000 strong, will renew their pledge of allegiance.&uot;
Organizations of all kinds are being urged to synchronize their programs with the speech, scheduled for 4 p.m. EST. LaGuardia said that the program had been conceived by various patriotic, religious, service and fraternal organizations as the &uot;response to thousands of pleas for an opportunity to express in some way national unity.&uot;
City clerk wonders who sent the flower
Opening his office yesterday morning, Charles L. Hutchins, city clerk, was amazed to find that some friend had put a beautiful red gladiola in a vase on his desk.
There was no indication as to where the flower had come from. The clerk was mystified all day, remarking that he was going to run an ad in the newspaper to see if he couldn’t find out who the friend was who placed the flower on his desk.
He transferred the flower from his desk to one of his deputy clerk’s desks and kept wondering who sent the flower.
Mrs. Wellons Caulk chairs Motor Corps of Red Cross
Mrs. Nancy Woolford, chairman of the Volunteer Service of the Suffolk Red Cross Chapter, has appointed Mrs. Wellons Caulk to serve as chairman of the Volunteer Motor Corps.
Mrs. Caulk has called a meeting of all ladies who are interested in the work to report July 1 at 3 p.m. to the Red Cross room
Chums to meet
The members of the Chum’s Club of the city will meet on Friday evening June 27, 1941, at 7 p.m. in the home of Miss Atherince E. Reid, 425 Culloden St.
The club consists of the following young ladies: Misses Dellis E. Boone, Jessie L. Carter, Yvonne Fulcher, Madalyn E. Mayette, Ernestine Clopmon, Fannie Graham, Juanita Joyner, Catherine E. Chapman, Evelyn D. Simmons, Catherine E. Reid, Lillian B. Parker and Gertie Powell.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Urey feted by employees
Honoring Manager J.W. Urey of Montgomery Ward’s Store, who has been promoted to a large store in Hanover, Pa., the employees of the store entertained for Mr. and Mrs. Urey at a supper and party at Burwell’s Bay.
Immediately after the supper, Mr. Urey was presented with a gift.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. V.L. German, Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Surring, Mrs. Alma Hayes, Miss Emily Cross, Joseph Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Stogner, Mr. and Mrs. H.U. Smith, Howard Wyndham, Alfred Davies, R.L. Sexton, W.Y. Diehl, Mrs. Marie Harrell, Clyde Taylor, Mrs. Nina Bowman, Miss Lottie May Johnson, Perry Chapman, Bruce Tidwell, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Grant, Miss Myra Krize, Frank Krize Sr., Mrs. Mary Evelyn Griggs, Albert Murphy, Gordon Doyle, A.R. Baines, Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Rawles, W.H. Holland. Mrs. Antoinette Walls, C.L. Jernigan, and Mrs. W.A. Taylor.
– Compiled by Allison T. Williams