Aug. 22, 1951- Stories featured in the Suffolk News-Herald on this date 53 years ago include:
Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 22, 2004
Navy lets contract
for atomic sub
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Navy has let a contract for the first atomic-powered submarine – a craft described by a congressional authority as having &uot;immense military implications.&uot;
Announcing yesterday the award of a contract to the Electric Boat Company of Groton, Conn., the Navy gave no details. Nor would officials elaborate on the 26-word announcement.
Couple’s home practically destroyed after being hit by car
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palmer, a couple who live at the end of County Street in Nansemond County, just where County curves off and goes into Webb Street, were a sad twosome Monday morning.
Their neat little bungalow had been reduced to a near shambles by the impact of a speeding automobile which hurled a ditch outside their home and crashed into the side of their house about 1 a.m. Monday.
The Palmer’s home apparently was hurt more than six occupants of the car, five of whom were admitted to Community Hospital for treatment of minor lacerations and contusions, and then released.
Edwin W. Roberts, driver of the car, was uninjured. He, however, was lodged in Nansemond County jail on charges of driving under the influence of intoxicants and causing an accident. Trooper R.E. Anderson was the arresting officer.
Other occupants of the car were Irvin Baker and Irma Brown, both of 320 Spruce St.; Maggie Johnson, 306 Spruce St., George Cross, 313 Battery Ave.; and Lessie Copeland, 318 Spruce St.
Mrs. Palmer said she was sitting in the living room, looking out the window, when she saw a car bearing down on the house at what seemed like a tremendous rate of speed.
&uot;I jumped up and ran to the front door, &uot; she said, &uot;when bang, the car slammed into the side of the house.&uot;
Playground talent show
outdoors tonight at 8
Curtain time for the Suffolk Recreation Department’s annual playground talent show is 8 o’clock on an outdoor stage at the Lakeview Hospital grounds.
A full dress rehearsal was held last night and was termed successful by the several playground leaders who are directing the production.
Miss Cleo Holladay, supervisor of Wellons Park, is directing the first of the four-act show which features a baseball pantomime based upon the poem, &uot;Casey at the Bat.&uot;
Compiled by Allison T. Williams
e act are dances by the Coulbourn Folk Dancers. This group is composed of the following: Bobby Johnson, Randolph Earley, Bill Hines, Thomas Oliver, Peggy King, Pearl Blair, Betty Wills and Betty Holland.
Farm, HD agents to meet at VPI
Four persons will represent Nansemond County at the annual extension service conference at VPI in Blacksburg Aug. 27-31, it was announced here today.
Those attending include John W. Freeman, county farm agent; Bob Bradford, assistant farm agent; Mrs. Lillian R. Livesay, home demonstration agent; and Miss Christine Stubblefield, assistant home demonstration agent.
Stan Reynolds leaving WLPM
Stan Reynolds, who has been associated with the Station WLPM as news editor for the past year, leaves tomorrow for Quincy, Illinois, where he has accepted a similar post at Station WGEM.
He will be succeeded at the Suffolk station by Bryce Bond, a native of Long Island, who comes to Suffolk from a station in West Virginia.
Compiled by Allison T. Williams