Sex offender gets 20 years

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 24, 2004

A Suffolk man who used the Internet to lure four girls to his northern Suffolk home to have sex was sentenced to 20 years in prison Thursday.

Suffolk Circuit Court Judge Westbrook J. Parker sentenced Keith David Goodman, 30, to 80 years for 16 counts of carnal knowledge, four years for using a computer to commit a crime against a minor, five years for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, five years for child pornography and 12 months for crimes against nature.

Parker suspended all but 20 years – 16 years for the carnal knowledge charges, four for the computer charge.

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Goodman, a former information technology specialist with the City of Norfolk, was arrested last year after four girls, ages 13 to16, told authorities that they met Goodman in Internet chat rooms.

After gaining their trust, Goodman arranged meetings at his former northern Suffolk home where he gave them alcohol and taped sexual encounters with them, according to court records.

Parker told Goodman he was particularly concerned by his domination over the girls, such as his demand that the girls call him master and the use of handcuffs.

&uot;One of the girls even ran away to live with you,&uot; Parker said. &uot;You abused technology; you’ve ruined the lives of these children with your computer.&uot;

Looking at the judge, Goodman, in the black-and-white striped uniform of the Norfolk City Jail, offered a tearful apology to his victims and his family.

&uot;What I did was wrong, criminal…and I’m deeply ashamed and embarrassed by what I did,&uot; he said. &uot;I apologize to those who have suffered the repressions of my actions, especially the victims.

&uot;I pray they will one day be able to lead a normal life,&uot; he continued. &uot;You (the victims) are not at fault. You did nothing wrong. I did.&uot;

Goodman’s father, Dr. Floyd Goodman, a gynecologist who formerly practiced in Suffolk, and his wife, Mary, also apologized to the victims. The family has since moved to Oklahoma.

Several victims and their parents were in courtroom.

&uot;Devastating doesn’t begin to cover what this had done to our family,&uot; Mary Goodman said. &uot;Devastation, shock, disbelief that this could ever have ever happened.

&uot;Our whole family feels responsible,&uot; he continued. &uot;I can’t imagine the impact this must have had on these girls and their families.

&uot;I am so sorry for that.&uot;