Setting the record straight on traffic signal, parking

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Editor, the News-Herald:

Your guest editorial by Mr. Andrew S. Key that appeared Sunday, Sept. 19 prompted me to write this response on two issues he raised.

Number one is his call for a traffic light on Nansemond Parkway in front of Nansemond River High School.

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accident that happened there was a tragedy, and my prayers go out to Christina Maupin and her family.

Like Mr. Key, the city strongly supports installation of a traffic signal at the high school, but our options are limited because that decision rests with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT); however, we are encouraging VDOT to move quickly on its decision.

Number two is Mr. Key’s concern about the city leasing a lot to provide after-hours parking for downtown visitors and patrons. The city leased the Wachovia parking lot because we believe it makes good business sense.

The use of a private lot after hours for public parking is a good way to increase the city’s parking inventory without spending a lot of money.

The city will lease the lot for $10 a year and has agreed to run the city street sweeper through the lot when it makes its rounds.

Safe, clean, and convenient public parking downtown is critical to the success of most downtowns and the businesses that have invested in them.

This lease provides additional public parking in the downtown after normal business hours, and we appreciate Wachovia Bank’s willingness to work with the city on this matter.

R. Steven Herbert is Suffolk’s city manager