Suffolk GNC store joins corporate fight against breast cancer

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 3, 2004

In 2004, the state of Virginia will report 6,350 new cases of breast cancer and more than 1,180 female breast cancer deaths, according to the American Cancer Society. General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (GNC) of Suffolk will help to generate public awareness of the disease throughout National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October.

&uot;In support of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, our store will take part in a national GNC initiative and will work to raise awareness of this devastating disease within our community,&uot; says GNC Senior Vice President, National Sales Director Margaret Peet. &uot;We are proud to help support this important initiative that touches so many of our customers.&uot;

Since Friday, GNC of Suffolk has joined with other participating GNC locations throughout the country to distribute women’s health guides that focuses on early detection and prevention of breast cancer. To encourage community involvement, all customers who wear a pink ribbon to participating GNC stores on Oct. 15–National Mammogram Day– will receive ten percent off their purchase of regularly priced product.

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&uot;Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer found in women, but if found early, chances of survival are the greatest,&uot; said Peet. ‘That’s why at GNC we want to help educate women and those who love them everywhere, because knowledge is one of the best defenses against this disease.&uot;

GNC will also be encouraging &uot;Denim Day&uot; participation in its stores around the country on Oct. 15. All GNC employees will be given the opportunity to help in the fight against breast cancer by wearing jeans and a pink ribbon to work. Participating employees will donate $5 to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

&uot;As the largest global specialty retailer of nutritional supplements, we strive to be a source of education and resources for women in Suffolk concerning their overall health and wellness, including proper supplementation to support their nutritional needs,&uot; said Peet. &uot;Our participation in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month furthers our ongoing efforts to raise awareness of this important women’s health issue.&uot;

For more information about GNC’s participation in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, visit GNC online at

GNC, based in Pittsburgh, Pa., is the largest global specialty retailer of nutritional supplements, which include vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements, sports nutrition products, diet and energy products and specialty supplements. GNC has more than 4,800 retail locations throughout the United States, including more than 1,300 domestic franchise locations, more than 900 store-within-a-store locations under our strategic alliance with Rite Aid and more than 800 locations in multiple foreign markets including Canada and Mexico.