Ready to serve the community

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 12, 2004

Suffolk News-Herald

They give – because He gave.

This Thanksgiving Day, members of the New Mount Joy and Southside Baptist churches will hold a special day of helping the area’s less fortunate give thanks together.

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From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., locals are invited to Tabernacle Christian Church, 1401 E. Washington St., for food, worship and fellowship at the Community Thanksgiving Day celebration

Volunteers from the three churches sponsoring the event will serve up a traditional holiday meal that includes ham, pumpkin pie, collard greens, potato salad, yams, stuffing, and, of course, turkey.

&uot;The response for cakes and pies has been overwhelming,&uot; said Ron Vincent, president of Mount Joy’s drug outreach program ‘On the Road to Recovery, One Day at a Time.’ &uot;I believe that this will be an outstanding event, because people are really motivated.&uot;

It was through the drug ministry course that Vincent’s organization became associated last summer with Southside, which offers the &uot;God’s Will, God’s Way,&uot; program.

&uot;We’re not just doing it for the church,&uot; said Southside worship pastor James Asimos. &uot;The more that we do it, the more we’re doing what Jesus commanded, in helping and feeding others.&uot;

Tabernacle pastor Carlton Upton participated in a similar event five years ago.

&uot;There was a great response (back then),&uot; he said. &uot;People were just coming in off the street. We’re doing an outreach ministry.

&uot;We’re not only looking at people from a religious standpoint, but also holistically. We look after their mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.&uot;

Transportation will be provided to those who are in need, and take-out meals will be available to those that are unable to attend. Leftovers will be given to the Salvation Army and area nursing homes.

&uot;We thank God for this privilege and blessing,&uot; said Vincent. &uot;Feeding those that are hungry is something that He’ll be well-pleased with, and we’ll keep doing this until God calls us home.&uot;

For more information, please contact New Mount Joy (539-2931), Tabernacle (539-7257) or Southside (539-6629). If transportation is needed, call by Nov. 22.