Nov. 28,1947: Stories featured in the Suffolk News-Herald 57 years ago…

Published 12:00 am Sunday, November 28, 2004

21 nominees for directors

William P. Griffin, president of the Chamber of Commerce, announced today that the ballots for the election of members to the Board of Directors at the annual dinner meeting are in the hands of the members.

Said Mr. Griffin: &uot;I am happy to say that this year there are 21 nominees for directorship. This definitely shows that greater interest is being taken in our Chamber of Commerce. I sincerely hope that our members will show interest by returning every ballot we have mailed out, the interest you take in the election of your new Board of Directors will be measured by the number of votes each nominee receives. To get our Chamber of Commerce work done well the enthusiasm of every member is of vital importance. Fair criticism is always acceptable to your Board and to the Secretary.

Email newsletter signup

&uot;During the coming year it is my sincere hope that every member will try to take some active part in the program of work that will be presented by a special committee to the new officers and members of the Board. After two years as president of your Chamber, I can say that definite improvements have been made and although nothing spectacular has been done, we honestly believe that ground work has been laid which will eventually pay dividends.&uot;

Churches plan seal sale day

Churches throughout this area will observe Christmas Seal Sunday this Sunday in tribute to the contribution to community health and well being made by the Suffolk-Nansemond and Isle of Wight Tuberculosis Associations. The 41st annual Seal Sale to raise funds to support the tuberculosis control program began last Monday and will continue until Christmas.

Thanking the clergy for their cooperation. Mrs. T. L. Elmore, executive secretary, said that many churches are devoting space on their printed program using the Tuberculosis Sunday Bulletin or mentioning the significance of the Christmas Seal from the pulpit. There will be 7500 Tuberculosis Bulletins used in the two counties in the white and negro churches. The opening of the Seal Sale was announced in the Jewish synagogue last Friday.

The clergy have been most generous in their support of the association’s work,&uot; Mrs. Elmore said. They realize that tuberculosis it’s not merely a medical problem but that it also has tremendous social and economic implications. The more the Associations program is strengthened, the more the community as a whole will benefit.

Awning firm here expands

R. D. Parker’s Tent and Awning Manufacturing Co., Inc. will open today in its newly expanded plant at 136 South Main Street.

Occupying the second and third floors of that building since Feb. 8 of this year, the Parker firm has taken over and renovated, the first floor, formerly occupied by Miss Mary Horton’s Dress Shop.

Parker, president of the company, formerly was affiliated with the Hogshire Tent and Awning Company of Norfolk. Other officers are Charles E. Russell, vice-president, and C. F. Jackson, plant superintendent. Miss Doris Cunningham is secretary for the firm..

Two new members enroll in WCTU

Two new members, Mrs. J. W. Griggs and Mrs. W. T. Joyner were enrolled in the Women’s Christian Temperance Union at a meeting of the group held Wednesday at the First Baptist Church.

Mrs. C. C. Rawles presided and led devotionals having for her topic, &uot;Harvest Time.&uot; It was voted to send the &uot;Union Signal&uot; to the ministers of the city. Those present were Mrs. A. H. Luke, Mrs. H. W. Holland, Mrs. J. L. Williams, Mrs. W. J. Doughtie, Mrs. Mary L. Walton, Mrs. E. L. Brown, Mrs. J. B. Evans, Mrs. A. A. Turner, Mrs. C. C. Rawles. Mrs. Nettie Russell, J. S. Davis, Mrs. W. P. Brown, Mrs. S. D. Eure, Mrs. E. D. Hubbard and Mrs. L. G. Evans.

-Compiled by Jennifer Rose