All Christmas decorations beautiful

Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 30, 2004

Editor, the News-Herald:

Evelyn Wall stated in a recent column, &uot;I had ample time this year so I began decorating in November and had everything looking beautiful for my Thanksgiving dinner.&uot;

With so much time on her hands, she was able to ride around all over town at night to see how others had decorated their homes. Alas, the certified &uot;expert Christmas decorator&uot; proclaimed that many homeowners were &uot;color and arrangement blind&uot; and advised them to &uot;regroup and try again next year.&uot;

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My dear Evelyn, must we all do things &uot;your way&uot; and not be individuals with &uot;our&uot; decorations? Will you determine what colors and arrangements pass your fancy in future Christmas decorations?

I am so amazed at the diverse ways homeowners chose to celebrate the season when they decorated their homes. Perhaps Evelyn Wall should post an address for residents to submit 2005 decoration plans for approval?

I applaud any and all decorations with which residents chose to celebrate the holiday season. Evelyn, perhaps you have too much time on your hands? Perhaps you could help out the homeless shelter or find more enjoyable things for your column?

Please do not drive to Portsmouth. We are very happy with all our decorations.

Nancy Marslender
