Feb. 6, 1944: Stories featured in the Suffolk News-Herald 61 years ago…

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 6, 2005

Army-Navy test to be given at Suffolk School

The third Army-Navy College qualifying test for the Army

specialized training program and the Navy college program V-12 will be administered at the Suffolk High School and throughout the country on Wednesday, March 15 at 9 a.m., W. R. Savage, principal, announced this morning.

Email newsletter signup

A leaflet of general information may be obtained at the high school, Savage said. This form, properly filled out, will admit to the test students between the ages of 17 and 21, including those who are high school graduates or who will graduate by July 1 this year.

At the time of the examination, each candidate will be given a choice of service preference, however, said Savage, taking the test does not obligate the candidate to enlist in the service.

Intentions to take this exam should be made known as soon as possible to the high school principal, in order that the necessary test supplies may be ordered.

The same examination will be taken by both Army and Navy candidates.

Hundred attend meeting of Bible Department yesterday

The Bible Department of the Woman’s Club presented Dr. Rowland P. Wagner, of Norfolk, yesterday afternoon as guest speaker. In reviewing &uot;The Blessed Book,&uot; Dr. Wagner showed the value of the Bible in present day living to Men in Service, business men and individuals.

Around one hundred attended. Miss Lizzie Morgan, chairman of the Bible Department,

presented the speaker. Mrs. O. R. Yates, club president, presided and welcomed one new member, Mrs. William J. Baines. Regrets were extended to Mrs. Omer Collins, member, who will return to her former home in Marian, Ind., on Wednesday.

Spring flowers were used in decorating the club rooms and a stable centerpiece.

Members of the Bible Department assisting in serving tea were: Mrs. H. L. Jacobs, co-chairman, Mrs. J. W. Brinkley, Mrs. W. H. Burchett, Mrs. C. S. Forsberg, Mrs. S. L. Nussman, Mrs. Earle Russell, Mrs. C. R. Starkey and Mrs. L. E. Petty John.

Great attendance reported at County Council

Representatives of each Parent Teacher Association of Nansemond County attended the County Council yesterday afternoon at the Chamber of Commerce Building.

Mrs. George Eberwine presided and urged the following goals: observe Founders’ Day this month; have 100 percent patrons from each association; hold a summer round-up; become banner leagues and file reports with Dr. Abner Robertson.

Mrs. T. L. Elmore, Suffolk-Nansemond T. B. Association executive secretary, told the group of the gift of the Birdsong Trust Fund, which will enable Suffolk and Nansemond to have a modern fully-equipped T. B. clinic.

Concert guest artist to appear Monday evening

The Suffolk Cooperative Association of Suffolk and Nansemond County will present Hilde Somer in a piano recital at 8:15 p.m. Monday evening in the high school auditorium.

Miss Somer is one of the youngest artists to become world renown. Of Viennese birth, the artist and her family came to New York just before the invasion of Austria.

While in this country Miss Somer has played with the leading orchestras and with the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl.

The tributes paid Miss Somer from the New York press promise a successful future for the twenty one year old pianist.

Raider varsity again loses to Cradock quintet

Suffolk Red Raiders won two out of three games last night in an invasion of the Cradock High School gymnasium. But the varsity Raiders suffered a casualty at the hands of the Cradock basketeers, the second of the season. The score winding up 32-19.

Consistent scoring on the part of the Cradock boys, proved too much for the Suffolk floormen, who had been playing a good game until the fourth quarter. Austin, lanky Cradock center, paced the home team, with nine points, four goals and one free toss.

He was trailed closely by his teammates, P. Humphrey and R. Humphrey, with eight and seven respectively.

Jay Wood Collins, a consistent Suffolk performer this season, was the high scorer for the local quint, with two goals and three gift shots for a total of seven. This was Collins second last game with the Raiders. He will participate in the Maury game next week and is then leaving to make his home in Indiana.

-Compiled by Jennifer Rose