Here and there

Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 31, 2005

Many moons ago, that’s Indian talk, I stated my opinion that having individual homeowners sort their household trash into various allotted bins was a waste of time, energy, and wasn’t being done accurately anyway. And it necessitated trash collectors to handle at least three bins instead of one.

SPSA apparently thought it was silly, too, and has just spent $5.5 million on a &uot;trash transfer&uot; station. There six trained personnel who know what they are doing sort out the mix as it arrives. They can handle up to 500 tons per day, about 22 tractor loads, sorting it into recyclables, processables, and non-processables. Those last two big words are not even in the dictionary so how in the world could the average homeowner even recognize what was what? Our congratulations to SPSA for their stroke of genius.

Dean Russell down in Whaleyville should be running for council because he may have tired of waiting for chunks of money to filter down from city hall and spent his own. I’d bet on him and he should keep up the fine work of restoration, selling or renting, and restoring yet another. But a word of caution–field of dreams concepts also mean, &uot;build it and they will come,&uot; they being the assessor who will be first in line, after the inspectors, to get your money. Dean’s place may even end up on the tourist circuit.

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Did you read that…City Manager Steven Herbert said Thursday he hopes the village would be ready on time for the Jamestown 2007 celebration? Is that a crack in the stonewall? Is Dot re-thinking the Indian position on what a business plan is? You know, what it is? Apparently there is still hope and the Indians can put away those tomahawks, poison tipped arrows and smoke a peace pipe with city council. Lynette will be happy.

The six Virginia Indian nations will combine their history on Charles City’s Chickahominy Tribal grounds and our Nansemond Tribe will take part in all the colorful ceremonies…something well worth the trip to see. Native Americans will combine their many crafts…jewelry, pottery; beadwork and leather goods will be on display for sale. And if our Matanock Town, Indian village, does not get going soon there ought to be a few scalps hanging from the teepees.

We surely should adopt California Governor Schwarzenegger’s &uot;straighten out the country’s&uot; philosophy in regard to schools. He considers teacher tenure the root of all educational problems and insists their promotions be based on merit, like every other employee in America. He said, &uot;The privileged classroom enclave where incompetence is not punished and excellence is not rewarded will be ended in California.&uot; And on top of that he is going after gerrymandering that keeps certain politicians re-elected year after year. He is not just muscle as some say. He is the first governor to promote the use of hydrogen engines in automobiles. Listen to the man, Governor Warner.

From the comfort of my den I watched the ceremony and speeches that preceded the ribbon cutting of the Hilton on the Hill with trepidation; sure enough one speaker made reference to naysayers, that I am sure included me.

And I haven’t changed my mind because I still think of it as the cart before the horse. I just can’t see enough traffic to keep it in the black, either in the rooms, conference rooms, or restaurant. And I’d be careful about touting the quality of services for quite some time. I have to wish the project well if only to, as they say, lower my property taxes a dribble. I didn’t get to see him on camera but there in the back of the room was Myles Standish who had both hands in the early discussions of Hilton Hotel planning. His name was probably mentioned because other politicians always like to have a scapegoat handy. The IDA speaker said something about how this thing better fly. That’s not being a naysayer, that take s a bit more courage, but for an instant there I noted just a flicker of doubt. But he quickly followed up by slapping his own wrist for having such thoughts. And of course there is always workhorse Eric Nielsen to fall back on if something doesn’t go right.

I also envision Betsy Brothers and Herbert at odds because of future competition for users of conference rooms. The cultural center, which I hope draws more people than the railroad station, which draws fewer people than Bacon’s Castle, will provide space for conferences, probably at less cost than the Hilton. And the CC also will have a kitchen at less cost than the Hilton.

I must admit I was flattered by the solicitation sent one of my daughters for money to be used to name some part of the CC. The message to her was a brief flattering account of my importance to the project and the committee’s regard for my column’s comments on the CC. I’m sorry, but my daughter thought it better for her and me to name one of her horse farm’s (Horsespa) pastures after me. And you know what horses do to pastures. Do you suppose the CC solicitation was tongue in cheek?

Robert Pocklington lives in Suffolk and is a regular News-Herald columnist. He can

be reached at