April 2, 1941: Stories featured in the Suffolk News-Herald 64 years ago…

Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 2, 2005

Party nominee for Congress coming to City

Young Democrats of Suffolk will whoop it up for Winder R. Harris, Democratic nominee for Congress, in a big rally here Saturday night at the Nansemond County Circuit Court House. The affair will get under way at 8 o’clock and promises to be the most important of the current political get-togethers held this side of the Norfolk-Portsmouth area.

Thomas D. Odom, president of the Suffolk Young Democrats, is making plan to pack the auditorium of the court house to capacity to hear the brilliant and forceful speaker campaign for his own right to represent the Second District.

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President Odom said today that enthusiastic response from both younger and older Democrats to the plans for the rally indicated a sweeping wave of interest.

Getting out the vote for the special primary will be the main purpose of the Young Democrats meeting Tuesday. Boosting the election of Mr. Harris will be their purpose this Saturday night.

Lions to present eighth annual Minstrel tonight

The curtain will rise on the eighth annual Lions Minstrel tonight at 8 when Barry Lyndall, youthful director from the John B. Rodgers Producting Co., gives the cue to stagehands of the Chadwick Theatre, where the revue is being presented, to &uot;ring her up.&uot;

Under the direction of Barry Lyndall a group of 60 local actors have been coached into what the minstrel committee says will be the best of the minstrels ever given by the club.

Described as a real treat, the production &uot;Rollin’ Rhythm&uot; embodies something of the old and familiar minstrels routines and the modern sevue style.

The production is built around a bus trip through the nation, with the finale taking place in a Mexican setting with the grand minstrel fade out.

Cancer control cause needs 400 memberships

The Cancer Control movement started a day or two ago in Suffolk has gotten off to a good start, according to the statement of Mrs. E. E. Wilson, local chairman. Mrs. Carlyle Holland and Mrs. James Parker are co-chairman of the booths, which are located in the three city banks. They report a collection of $103.50 up to and including Wednesday morning.

Mrs. E. E. Wilson gave out the information that $400 would be needed in order to carry out the work of treating only present patients.

During the year there will be additional patients, and extra cash is needed. She urges that all do their part and make a contribution to this worthy cause. Each membership is $1. Mrs. Wilson is urging Sunday School classes to make a special effort to contribute this coming Sunday.

Cooperation with Suffolk Merchants

Cooperation with local employers in finding workers for jobs opening up because of the defense program was emphasized today in a statement issued by Fred Mitchell, manager of the Suffolk office of the Virginia State Employment Service.

In line with the appeal recently issued by the Virginia State Employment Service, Mr. Mitchell’s office is, he said, asking every unemployed worker in Suffolk and every worker with a skill needed in defense industry to register.

Duke’s blue devils busy

Durham, N.C., April 2-Duke’s Blue Devils of baseball were to open a busy time today-a period of which will carry them against three tough teams in a row.

Today’s game was scheduled with Cornell and Bob Weaver and Kilmer Bertz had been designated as the pitchers for Duke. Tomorrow at 3:15 p.m., Washington and Lee’s Generals will invade Duke Park and on Saturday the Blue Devils will move over to Davidson to face the Wildcats.

The action does not stop the Davidson game for the Blue Devils will return her to face V.P.I. on Monday, Davidson on Wednesday, Pittsburgh on Thursday and Elon at Burlington on Saturday.

-Compiled by Jennifer Rose