April 14, 1953: Stories featured in the Suffolk News-Herald 52 years…

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 14, 2005

X-ray units set up here for four day stay

Two mobile x-ray units came to Suffolk today and will remain here through Friday for those desiring free chest examinations.

One of the units has been set up at the Main Street Methodist Church. The other is outside the East End Baptist Church.

Email newsletter signup

The schedule that the units will observe throughout the Suffolk stay is 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 to 5 p.m.

There will be one exception to this schedule. Tonight the unit set up at the East End Baptist Church will be operating from 8 until 9:30 p.m., in addition to the regular hours.

The local TB office states that this extra time is being observed for &uot;truck drivers or anyone else who cannot come in the daytime.&uot;

Woodward joins General’s staff

Lt. Col. Gilbert Hume Woodward, son of Mayor and Mrs. Richard L. Woodward Jr., is now a member of the staff of Maj. Gen. Thomas Timberman, U. S. Commander in Berlin.

The mayor recently received an Army newspaper clipping stating that his son, after almost two years as battalion commander of the 42nd Armored Infantry Battalion at Maintz, Germany, had been transferred to his new post.

Lt. Col. Woodward had graduated from West Point in 1940 and served in Europe with the 9th Infantry division during World War II. He holds battle stars for the Normandy, Northern France, Ardenes and Rhineland campaigns. The mayor’s son won the Bronze Star and the Czechoslovokian War Cross.

The clipping stated that Col. Woodward’s wife and two children will join him in Berlin at a later date.

Gardens, homes in Readiness for tour

Tomorrow from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. the Riverview Garden Club will give its long-planned Home and Garden Tour.

If the weather permits and according to all reports now it will be favorable, hundreds of flower-loving and beauty-admiring women (and even some men), will be on hand for this big event.

Seven homes, which are show places in Suffolk and four gardens now a profusion of colorful blossoms, will be thrown open to tourists. Tickets for the tour may be purchased from any member of the club or may be bought as one enters a home or garden tomorrow. An information booth will be manned on the lawn of the J. A. Harrell home to give directions to those who desire such. During the tour thirsty and weary tourists will be served punch in the Charles Shotton home.

Funds raised from the event will be used to beautify Riverview. Mrs. R. S. Dodd is general chairman of the tour. Her assistant is Mrs. L. B. Callis.

Three City banks closing Saturdays

Starting May 1, Suffolk’s three banks will be closed on Saturdays.

Last year, the General Assembly passed legislation permitting banks to close in certain cities on Saturday. Suffolk was among those cities.

When Norfolk and Portsmouth took action last summer on the Saturday closings, Suffolk bankers were questioned as to the possibility of closing on Saturday. No indications were given that a Saturday closing was in sight.

This year, however, an announcement was made recently that the banks here will not be open on Saturday after May 1.

The announcement was distributed by mail to bank customers, stating that although the Saturday closing will become effective the first of next month, &uot;for your added convenience we will be open three extra hours Fridays from 4 to 7 p.m.&uot;

– Compiled by Jennifer Rose