The mayor#039;s proclamation
Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 14, 2005
Our mayor, Bobby Ralph, reversed course
set by his predecessor, E. Dana Dickens and proclaimed April Confederate Heritage and History Month in Suffolk.
If you recall, there was a big blowup over this issue back in 2002 when then-Mayor Curtis Milteer made the proclamation.
Somehow, I don't think it's going to be as controversial this time around. "White southern mayor proclaims Confederate History Month," just lacks the man-bites-dog impact that went along with Milteer's proclamation. The news angle in 2002 was that our mayor who made the proclamation was black. As a result, Suffolk received national media attention, much of it not what you would call favorable.
I think Ralph made the wrong move. People in Suffolk were already free to honor their confederate ancestors in any way they see fit. However, our mayor is supposed to speak for all Suffolkians. Our city is close to evenly racially split. And while most of us probably couldn't care less what the mayor proclaims, there are those who are extremely passionate on either side of this issue, the proclamation is offensive to those on the other side.
In addition, we are constantly hearing city officials justify huge expenditures on the basis of taking Suffolk to the next level n improving our education,
infrastructure and image so that we can attract more economic investment. The proclamation does not further that goal.
Officials want us to be viewed along with the Norfolks, Virginia Beaches Raleighs and Charlottes of the world. This lists us among the Odenville, Alabamas, Smackover, Arkansas and Bosier City, Louisianas of the world.
A spokesman for the local Sons of Confederate Veterans was quoted in the paper as saying that 40 other communities across the nation have issued the proclamation.
A Google search found a site called that listed this coalition of the willing. They are:
Alabama State Board of Education.
Proclamations signed by every city in St. Clair County, Alabama which are: Ashville, Alabama.
Cleburne County, Alabama.
Cook Springs, Alabama.
Cropwell, Alabama.
Elmore County, Alabama
Margaret, Alabama.
Moody, Alabama.
Odenville, Alabama.
Pell City, Alabama.
Ragland, Alabama.
Riverside, Alabama.
Springville, Alabama.
Steele, Alabama.
Wattsville, Alabama.
State of Alabama
County Judge Union County, Arkansas
Mayor of El Dorado, Arkansas
City of Smackover, Arkansas
City of Long Beach, California
Hillsborough County, Tampa, Florida
Holmes County, Florida
City of Bonifay, Florida.
City of Albany, Georgia
City of Bremen, Georgia
City of Buchannan, Georgia
City of Carrollton, Georgia
County of Carroll County, Georgia
County of Cobb County, Georgia
Haralson County, Georgia
Columbia County, Georgia
City of Marietta, Georgia
City of Whitesburg, Georgia.
City of Tallapoosa, Georgia
City of Temple, Georgia
State of Texas since 1999.
City of Mount Zion, Georgia
Rockdale, County, Georgia
Sumter County, Georgia
Governor of Georgia
Coweta County, Georgia
Wayne County, Georgia
City of Jesup, Georgia
Dodge County, Georgia
Prince George, Virginia
City of Americus, Georgia
City of Eastman, Georgia
County of Fayette County, Georgia
City of Fayetteville, Georgia
City of Tyrone, Georgia.
City of Bainbridge, Georgia
City of Douglas, Georgia
State of Louisiana
City of Shreveport, Louisiana
City of Bossier City, Louisiana
City of Natchitoches, Louisiana
The Parish of Saint Bernard, Louisiana
State of Mississippi.
Burke County, North Carolina
Putnam County, Tennessee
City of College Station, Texas
City of Fort Worth, Texas
County of Orange, Texas
Bedford County, Virginia
City of Hillsville, Virginia
Carroll County, Virginia
City of Suffolk, Virginia