April 30, 1938: Stories featured in the Suffolk News-Herald 67 years ago…

Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 30, 2005

Simmons calls practice

A.G. Simmons, leader of the Boy Scout Drum and Bugle Corps, announced today the corps would resume practice on Monday night for engagements this spring.

The corps probably will participate in the Memorial Day exercises to be held under the sponsorship of the American Legion and the Grammar School Relays to be held next month at League Park.

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The practice, Mr. Simmons said, will commence at 7:45 p.m. at the courtroom of the city civil and police court on the third floor of the City Hall.

Bowen launches payments

H. J. Bowen and Company are introducing a novel idea in their store this week with a club plan, whereby members can take advantage of an easy payment system and also win additional valuable awards each week, in a series of contests that all club members will be eligible to enter.

To join this new club applicant makes a purchase of at least twenty-five dollars, $1 to be paid when joining and the rest in easy weekly payments. When the applicant has paid his first dollar he writes a slogan about Bowen’s clothes or store, mentioning the name of Bowen.

This slogan is dropped into a box and later gone over by the board of judges, and the writer of the winning slogan that week is given his suit or purchase free from the remaining payments. Each week for twenty-five weeks this plan will be used and each week somebody will win valuable awards.

Miss Bradshaw is hostess to club

On Wednesday afternoon Miss Emma Bradshaw was hostess to the Monroe Home Demonstration Club. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Parke Ashburn and the club repeated the homemakers creed in unison. Reports of the district meeting were given by the members attending this meeting.

After the business meeting of the club a demonstration on Re-styling and the use of feed bags in the home was given by the home agent assisted by Mrs. Baggett and Mrs. Pierce the club leaders. Many interesting and useful examples were shown for the use of feed bags. There were 16 members present and several visitors.

After the meeting a very delightful sweet and nut course was served by the hostess.

Pinner elected as Rotary Chief

Henry McR. Pinner was elected president of the Suffolk Rotary Club yesterday at the luncheon meeting held at the Hotel Elliott. Other officers elected were, H. J. Pettit, secretary, H. C. January, treasurer, W. M. Birdsong, John Waters, Dr. E. C. Joyner, Hugh White, John E. Martin and P. H. Eve, directors.

G. A. Harris introduced two new members, W. P. Lipscomb, and G. B. Dixon, to the club.

Edgar Grace chairman of the onto Elizabeth City committee asked all Rotarians who are going to the district convention to sign and send in their registration cards at once.

He stated that the first item on the program was a fellowship meeting and dance to take place on Monday evening, May 2, and given by the host club. The conference will open Tuesday morning with a group luncheon scheduled for 1:15 p.m., with the governor’s banquet and ball following in the evening.

As all hotel rooms have been reserved for the conference it was said that Dr. and Mrs. Walker have offered their home for the use of the Suffolk delegates. Dr. Walker’s home is located in the heart of Elizabeth City.

Delegates named to attend the conference were H. J. Pettit and Henry McR. Pinner, with William Birdsong as alternate.

Game Warden to check on licenses

A.H. Powell, game warden for Suffolk and Nansemond County, reported this morning that he will start in next Monday checking the licenses of dogs owned in the city. Mr. Powell warns that all who have not yet purchased their license, ought to do so at once, as the law leaves no alternative except a summons to court.

Mr. Powell said many county residents had been summoned this year and had paid fines of $5 for each offense.

When asked if there were any rabid dogs in the community the warden said that he had not seen any since the outbreak last fall, but warned that the disease is more prevalent in hot weather than in cold months.

Dog licenses may be procured from either the city or county treasurer’s offices for a nominal cost he said.

– Compiled by Jennifer Rose