May 4, 1945: Stories featured in the Suffolk News-Herald on this date 60 years ago…

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Planters and Union begin to negotiate

Planters, Union opened negotiations with the FTA, CIO Local 26 for a new contract, it was learned today.

After a series of conferences, one of which was interrupted when the U. S. Conciliation Service was called in, neither the company nor the union could agree. Thomas B. Morton, the commissioner of labor from Richmond, arrived here yesterday and met with officials.

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A stipulation was agreed upon by the company and the union that the present contract, which expires on June 30, be maintained in full force and in effect until that date unless a new contract is drawn before then.

Both groups met again today for further negotiations. The union is demanding a general wage increase for all production and maintenance employees at Planters.

Barney Henley, International Union representative, revealed that other terms for which the union is fighting are a week’s vacation with pay for employees who have been with the company for one year, two weeks in the June and September months for those employed there five years and sick leave with pay.

26 new members in TPA Post here

President W. H. Higinbotham, who assumed office last night at the monthly meeting of Post P, Travelers Protective Association, reported that 26 new members have been admitted to the local post during April.

Higinbotham himself won admittance to the association’s Half Century Club by writing out 51 new applications in a recent drive for members.

Delegates from Suffolk Post to the State Convention in Richmond were instructed to place Higinbotham’s name before the convention for second vice president of the Virginia District.

Weather Bureau is operating here

Suffolk now has a branch of the U. S. Weather Bureau at the Water Works.

O. F. Story, the manager, revealed today that official temperature and rainfall readings can be made. Two thermometers have been set up, giving the maximum and minimum degrees of the weather. An official reading is made at 6 p.m. each day, but a check is made every four hours for local records.

Rainfall is also recorded through a funnel-like apparatus, consisting of a two-cylinder container. A measurement rules the actual rainfall to the smallest dimension representing 0.01 inch. In freezing weather, the funnel is removed from the cylinder and the inner tube is exposed, Story explained. The character of the day, denoting cloudiness, rain, sunshine, smoke, haze, hail and wind is also reported.

Severe storm warnings are telephoned directly to the weather bureau at Norfolk, giving the type of storm, location, time observed, intensity, speed and direction.

Merchants here change V-E Plans

Suffolk merchants, in order to establish conformity, will join with Norfolk and Portsmouth retailers in observance of V-E Day.

This does not, however, materially affect plans formulated and announced by the Suffolk RMA last week for V-E Day observance.

If the armistice is announced after 6 p.m. on Saturday, stores will re-open on Monday as usual. If, however, the armistice is announced after 6 p.m. on Sunday, stores will not re-open Monday morning.

Should the announcement come during the regular business hours, or from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., stores are to close immediately for the remainder of the day but will re-open on the following day, unless it’s Sunday.

Merchants will be officially notified of cessation of hostilities by RMA employees.

Officers of Club honored at luncheon

The old and new members of the executive board, department chairman, standing committee chairmen and members at large of the Woman’s Club were entertained at a luncheon Friday at the Woman’s Club Home on Bank Street.

The rooms were decorated with arrangements of roses and mixed spring flowers. Mrs. O. R. Yates, retiring president, presided and hostesses for the luncheon were Mrs. Hutson Council, Mrs. John E. Pinner, Mrs. Perry Turner, Mrs. L. H. Cathey, Mrs. L. S. Crisp and Mrs. Taylor Darden.

Mrs. L. S. Crisp, who was recently elected president of the club, appointed the following chairman for the year: social, Mrs. H. H. Macklin; house committee, Mrs. J. B. Joynes; membership; Mrs. L. H. Rawles Sr., and legislation, Mrs. John G. Truitt.

The luncheon was followed by a business meeting of the club at which time officers were installed by Mrs. Claude E. Eley, vice-president of the Virginia Federation of Woman’s Clubs.

– Compiled by Jennifer Rose