May 13, 1952: Stories featured in the Suffolk News-Herald on this date 53 years ago…

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 13, 2005

Livesay demonstrated party favors and place cards

Mrs. Lillian Livesay demonstrated how to make party favors and place cards at the meeting of the King’s Fork Home Demonstration Club held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Howard Williams on the Pitchkettle Road.

After her demonstrations, Mrs. Livesay showed and interesting film &uot;Home Improvement,&uot; a movie concerning 4-H work.

Email newsletter signup

Mrs. C. H. Sellers, vice-president, presided and Mrs. H. G. Walker presented the devotional program. Prayer was offered by Mrs. J. B. Archer.

At the conclusion of the program, the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Gibson Pierce and Mrs. Graham Harrell, served refreshments to the 14 members attending.

Suffolk driver racing victor

Fletcher Parr, Suffolk motorboat enthusiast, not only took first honors in his class in the 60-mile marathon motor boat race, but also outran the entire field of 39 boats which left Norfolk, raced to the Nanesmond River Bridge here and then dashed back to Norfolk.

Seven classes of boats entered the race which proved a rugged battle all the way with rough, choppy waters knocking boat after boat out of the running. Out of 39 starters, 11 finished, according to H. L. Nixon of Norfolk, secretary of the Tidewater Outboard Club, the organization that sponsored the race.

Nixon said that the starting of the race was based on each class taking off 15 minutes after the previous class had gotten underway. In other words, the smallest class, based on engine horsepower and type, took off at 10:30 a.m. Fifteen minutes later, the next class with a higher horsepower rating hit the starting line.

Parr was competing in the last class to take off,

which meant that he did not get away until 75 minutes after the first boats got underway. &uot;He was just about the last to leave and the first to get back,&uot; Nixon said.

Bloodmobile plans Bethlehem visit

For the last time since the Tidewater Bloodmobile began its monthly visits to the Suffolk-Nansemond County Red Cross Chapter in September 1949, the community of Bethlehem will be visited. The visit to Bethlehem, five miles west of Suffolk, is scheduled for Tuesday, May 27.

The Bloodmobile will set up operations there on that day at the Bethlehem Christian Church during the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The monthly quota is 150 pints.

A committee composed of R. O. Luter, chairman; D. F. Joyner and Ernest Oliver will be in charge of the Bethlehem blood recruitment. The committee members will be assisted by members of the Bethlehem Ruritan Club and residents in the area.

Mrs. Landes Small, executive secretary for the local chapter, said that &uot;the people of Bethlehem are real anxious for this Bloodmobile visit, and have asked for it for a long time.&uot;

Luter and his recruitment committee are planning to make a house-to-house canvass in Bethlehem in an effort to recruit the necessary blood donors.

The Tidewater Bloodmobile has visited the county on four occasions, all on &uot;split operation&uot; visits.

They have set up operations three times in the communities of Whaleyville and Holland and once in Chuckatuck and Driver.

The county blood recruitment chairman is E. A. Brothers Jr. of Whaleyville.

Shivell upheld in Contest

Executives in the estate of the late Amedeo Obici, Planters Nut and Chocolate Company owner, advanced another step toward ultimate victory in the Obici will case last week through an opinion handed down by Judge James F. Brady, Lackawanna County, Pa. The opinion affirms the ruling of former Register of Wills, John Shivell, as to the legal residence of Mrs. Louise Musante Obici, wife of the peanut king, at the time of her death.

In his ruling, Judge Brady dismissed the appeal of Harry J. Musante Obici, aunt of the appealant, revoking letters of administration.

Shivell ruled that Mrs. Obici, at the time of her death in 1938, was a resident of Drivers, Nansemond County, although she died in Wilkes-Barre.

Club to install officers

Mrs. R. W. McClenny will be installed tonight as president of the Business and Professional Women’s Club here. She succeeds Miss Mary Lee Powell.

The organization will hold its monthly dinner meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. at the Hotel Elliott, at which time Miss Louise Stone, a member of the organization here and also Southwest District Director for the Virginia State Federation of the organization, will install Mrs. McClenny and other officers elected at last month’s meeting.

New officers who will be installed tonight are: Mrs. McClenny, president; Miss Irma Blanchard, first vice president; Miss Anna Goode Turner, second vice president; Mrs. John Dale, recording secretary; Miss Mary Belle Goodwin, treasurer; and Miss Lottie Fisher, corresponding secretary.

– Compiled by Jennifer Rose