Leadership change needed at Hall Place

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Editor, the News-Herald:

Along with about 12 other families, we recently joined the Hall Place Community Association, because we are all very unhappy with the way some things are being done over here.

Pretty near all of the people in Hall Place are against the &uot;historic&uot; plan that is being pushed on us.

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I haven’t talked to one person who is for it.

The plan was not advertised and most folks I have talked with knew nothing about it until they heard that an application was being sent in.

This is not right.

You have to let people know what the HPCA is doing when it affects all the folks in our neighborhood.

At the April meeting, we wanted to talk about this &uot;historic&uot; plan they have been pushing, and a lot of us had something to say.

The president and vice-president were rude and spoke down to the people.

They would not let people &uot;have their say&uot; against the &uot;historic&uot; plan and they also would not let a motion be made to pull the &uot;historic&uot; plan off the board, even though most of the 40 people there wanted it taken off. This can’t be right.

A couple of uncalled for, disrespectful comments were made and some loose language was used, that I know offended some people. The HPCA is well respected and never used to be run like this.

The &uot;historical&uot; plan should be immediately overturned, and the president and vice-president should step down or be removed.

We’ll get caring leaders in those spots who know something about Hall Place folks, and have &uot;walked a mile in their shoes.&uot;

Maybe then, life can get back to normal in Hall Place.

Sonny Lynn
