Suffolk Museum events
Published 12:00 am Monday, August 29, 2005
Today, from 2 to 5 p.m., the opening reception of the Suffolk Quilter’s Guild 6th Triennial Quilt Exhibit is taking place at the Suffolk Museum. The exhibit will run through Oct. 16.
Substitute teachers
The New Professional Substitute Teachers Association is asking members to contact the ad hoc committees at these numbers: 539-4373, 923-2997, 483-6320, 539-9363, or 934-1042.
Show your Warrior Pride!
Join the Nansemond River Band Boosters.
All band parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles can join with a family membership for only $10.
Join before Sept. 1 for a chance to win $25 off band uniform fees.
Call the school at 538-5420 for more information.
Substitute Teachers’ Association
The Suffolk Substitute Teachers’ Association Sept. 6 meeting has been cancelled.
For more information, call 923-1006.
East Suffolk Gardens Civic League
East Suffolk Gardens Civic League will meet Thursday, Sept. 8 at 7:00 p.m. in Tabernacle Christian Church’s Fellowship Hall.
For more information, call W. H. Goodman, president, at either 539-0726 or 539-7896.
Chorus Auditions at Lakeland
On Saturday, Sept. 10, Lakeland High School’s Anointed Voices of Praise and Concert Chorale will be having auditions for any student that will be attending Lakeland this school year and for any young person that is interested in singing with us.
Auditions will be held in Lakeland’s Auditorium and Chorus Room.
Parent and guardiasn are encouraged to attend.
Refreshments will be served. Audition times are 9 to 11 a.m. and then from noon to 2 p.m.
For more information, call Cheryl Parker at 297-0035 or e-mail Joshua Mizzelle at
There will be no more auditions after Sept. 10.
East Suffolk Federated Civic League
East Suffolk Federated Civic League will meet at the Stop Training Center on 125 Tynes St. on Tuesday, Sept. 6 ay 6:30 p.m.
For more information, call Shirley Christian, president, at 925-4434.
JYHS Class of ’75
John Yeates High School Class of 1975 invites the classes of 1974 and 1976 to join them in their 30-year reunion Sept. 10.
Class member addresses are needed so invitations can be mailed. Contact the following for more information: Julie at 357-2719, Jackie at 484-7072, Whit at 238-9205 or Faye at
, or Regina at
Info is also available at
Post P. Travelers Protective Association
The monthly meeting of Post P. Travelers Protective Association will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 14 at the Magnolia Ruritan Clubhouse at 1047 Nansemond Parkway.
Fellowship begins at 6 p.m. with the dinner meeting to follow at seven.
All members are urged to attend and bring a prospective member.
For more information, contact Harrell Jory, Secretary, at 934-0061.
Boston Butt Sale
The Magnolia Ruritan Club will hold a Boston butt sale on Saturday Sept. 17 at their clubhouse located at 1047 Nansemond Parkway.
The Boston butts will be cooked by the members and are available for sale at $20 each and include a pint of barbeque sauce.
Tickets are available from any member of by calling Lester Brothers Service at 539-8521, Harvey’s Servicecenter at 539-6719 or Bunny’s Restaurant at 538-2325.
Orders must be placed prior to Sept. 9.
John F. Kennedy ’73
John F. Kennedy High School Class of 1973 will be meeting Sept. 11 at 6:15 p.m. at Fire Mountain.
For more information call 923-1006.
Civic league meeting cancelled
The Saratoga-Philadelphia Civic League meeting slated for Tuesday night has been cancelled. The meeting has been rescheduled for 7 p.m. Sept. 20 at Lakeview Baptist Church.
55 Alive
The Suffolk Chapter of the AARP will sponsor the 55 Alive driving class on September 21 and 22 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The class will be held at the Suffolk Presbyterian Church, at the corner of Broad and Constance.
The cost is $10.
Class size will be limited.
For additional information or to register, call Jeanne Banks, 539-6311.
APVA Presents Author
The Thomas Rolfe Branch of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities will present Richmond writer, Lisa Antonelli Bacon, author of Virginia: A Commonwealth Comes of Age.
Learn about Virginia’s reemergence as a business and industrial giant.
Enjoy desserts after the presentation.
Come join the APVA in the gallery of the Wakefield Foundation on Sept. 19 at 7 p.m.
Tickets go on sale Sept. 1.
Tickets are $5.00 per person and will also be available at the door.
Call Troilen Seward at 866-8570 for more details.
LHS class of ’95
Lakeland High School’s Class of 1995 will have a class reunion Friday, Oct. 21-23. For more information e-mail, or write P. O. Box 3105, Suffolk, Va. 23439-3105 or call 647-8877, 934-0367, or 923-4197. Payments are currently being accepted for the reunion. Contact one of the group members to get package prices.
STOP offering weatherization assistance
Weatherize your home today. Why wait until winter? Let The STOP Organization’s free weatherization assistance program lower your energy bills.
The STOP Organization Weatherization program, a non-profit program, assists income-eligible households with weatherizing their homes. STOP serves the areas of Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Hampton, Franklin, Isle of Wight and Southampton counties. For more information, call 858-1397.
JFK Class of 1985
It’s reunion time for the JFK class of 1985. Anyone interested in helping plan the 20-year reunion for 2005 should contact Donald Newsome, 925-4899; Betty Hall Jordan, 934-3602; or Elke Costley Boone, 934-8909.
JFK Class of 1975
All who would like to participate in the planning of the former John F. Kennedy High School Class of 1975 reunion, should contact Patricia Sweat Knight at 539-4450 or Wanda Robertson Cross at 875-1791 or e-mail
BTW Class of 1963
The former Booker T. Washington High School Class of 1963 meets every third Friday of each month for dinner at different restaurants or residences. If interested, contact Henry L. Dillard at 934-0983.
LHS Class of 1995
The Lakeland High School Class of 1995 is planning for its 10-year class reunion. For more information and to give suggestions, call Aleda Sharpe at 925-1437 or Nakisha Hill-Porter at 923-4197. Immediate contact is requested.
Windsor High School Class of 1978
Plans for the Windsor High School Class of 1978 reunion are under way. Call or email Calveta (Dickerson) Odom at 562-2233, or Phillissia (Robertson) Clinton at 484-0353,
Senior aerobics offered
Senior aerobics is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 to 11 a.m. at the Suffolk Senior Center, 350 N. Main St. Betty Cartwright instructs this class, which is free to seniors 55 and over. For more information call the Senior Center at 923-2372.
Holland UCC welcomes seniors
Holland United Church of Christ, 6733 S. Quay Road, is opening the fellowship hall from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesdays to all seniors for refreshments and games.
John Yeates ’85
Where is John Yeates’ graduating class of 1985?
Anyone interested in
reuniting please call Jeffery Townsend@ 537-8011 Eddie &uot;D&uot; Evans@
The year is almost gone and we really need to hurry.
Colonial trial in Smithfield
Step back into Colonial times on Saturday, October 8, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in historic Smithfield at the Old Courthouse of 1750 on Main Street.
A real court case from Isle of Wight’s history will be reenacted inside the courthouse by the &uot;Virginia Patriots,&uot; a professional theater troupe.
Learn about the county’s most notorious citizens and find out whether or not the accused will be found guilty or innocent.
The Isle of Wight militia will set up camp on the courthouse green and demonstrate military drills.
Visit with the blacksmith as he demonstrates his craft, and see how yarn is made the old-fashioned way, on a spinner’s wheel.
Enjoy Colonial refreshments from the Smithfield Inn. The event is sponsored by the Isle of Wight Chapter of the APVA. Admission is free and open to the public. For more information, visit