Believe or not to
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 15, 2005
To believe or not to believe, that is the question.
I sat amazed this weekend as I watched both sides of the Intelligent Design debate make fools of themselves on national television.
For those lucky enough to have been spared the chaos surrounding this hot topic, allow me to simplify the argument.
For years, teachers have taught Darwin’s theory of evolution in our nation’s science classes.
You remember Darwin’s theory right?
Man essentially evolved from apes.
For the most part, the teaching of Darwin’s theory has gone unchallenged in our public schools.
Not anymore.
Intelligent Design disputes the evolutionary theory, instead teaching that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, aka a higher power.
As a Christian, I have my own beliefs regarding this issue.
I believe God created the universe and every living creature in it.
My faith regarding this issue is only strengthened when I hear scientist talk of how complex the human body is and how efficient the human brain is.
Regardless of how small our cell phones get or fast our computer processors are, they still don’t come close to the amazement of that gray matter above our shoulders we like to call a brain.
I also believe in many ways that we are the equivalent of an 11 year old, naive enough to think we know it all yet still not smart enough to realize we don’t.
That’s a column for another day however.
As a Libertarian, I don’t believe my views or anyone elses regarding this matter should be taught as absolute truth in our public schools.
Although the quote &uot;separation of church and state&uot; is nowhere to be found in the constitution (don’t believe me, look for yourself), I still believe freedom means our government should have little or nothing to do with our church, synagogue, mosk or temple.
Regardless of how crazy it may seem that I could hold what many would think to be very conflicting beliefs, it still does not compare to the lunacy expressed by those representing each side of the Intelligent Design debate.
How in the world can a 65 year old scientist look people in the face and tell them that Darwin’s theory of evolution is an absolute fact.
First of all, by their own admission it happened millions of years ago so there is no way they &uot;know&uot; exactly what happened.
Secondly, it’s called a theory for a reason.
On the other side of the argument, you have Christian Coalition founder Rev. Pat Robertson speaking on behalf of God to the residents of Dover Pennsyvania after they chose not to re-elect school board members who supported Intelligent Design.
Robertson warned residents not to turn to God in a disaster situation because God
might not be there for them now.
How does Rev. Robertson have the audacity to urge anyone to do anything but turn to God in any situation?
Does he believe that voting for someone other than Mr. John Doe of the school board is the only unforgivable sin?
As a Christian, especially a high profile one, he should be ashamed of himself.
And we Christians wonder why some people don’t take us seriously.
For what may be the first time since he took office, I agree with President Bush and think we should teach both.
Education isn’t supposed to be simply the recital of facts.
A true education requires one to think and causes them to question even the &uot;absolute truths&uot;.
That’s where discovery comes from.
I remind everyone that the earth was once flat and the moon was unreachable.
I say give them both theories and encourage them to reach their own conclusions, even if they differ from yours.
Because sometimes real wisdom is being smart enough to know you don’t have all the answers.
I’d like to hear from you. If you agree or disagree with my opinion on something, have an idea for a column topic or just want to let me know someone is reading this every once in awhile please e-mail me. My address is See ya next week!