There are truly angels walking the earth; I have met them
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I met some really wonderful people the other day.
It was my turn to do a story on a volunteer in the city and I approached the folks at the St. Timothy Baptist Church foodbank.
At first they were a little apprehensive, as most people are about being in the newspaper; but when I explained that thousands of residents would see the story, and maybe that would result in some assistance for their cause, they perked up.
I talked to Yvonne Harden, wife of the church pastor, Thomas Harden Jr., Iva Deloatch and Harden’s 11-year-old son Thomas III.
What these people, and the others from the congregation and the community that help, do is incredible.
Once a month they put together a hot meal and serve between 300 and 400 people. Then, the very next week they put together food bags and pass them out.
For many of the recipients this might be the only food they have for days on end.
I learned from talking to these “angels” that there is a great need for this kind of service in the city. It’s unfortunate, but true.
I also learned that they do more than serve food. They also help with utilities, provide clothing and even offer spiritual counseling when asked.
And they get nothing in return except the satisfaction of knowing they are doing something good for somebody else.
I also learned one more thing. These people and their worthy cause could use some help. Won’t you help?
Why don’t you drop them a note and include a couple of dollars, or more, so they can buy the things others need but they cannot obtain for them otherwise.
Or, if you don’t have any money to give, you could go down there and help them serve the hot meal or the bagged food. Either way, I know they’d love to see you and they’d appreciate the assistance.
If you want to know more about the foodbank, call at 934-1742, which is also the number to call if anyone needs help from the church members.
Donations may also be sent through the mail to St. Timothy Baptist Church Foodbank, 1613 E. Washington St., Suffolk, Va. 23434. Note that the check is for the foodbank.
Call that news?
I have to hand it to CNN n they sure know news when they see it.
I, like millions of others Tuesday night, was watching the election coverage, bouncing back and forth from network to cable to see about some of the national races.
I happened to hit CNN’s Headline News station, and, much to my surprise, found them running a lengthy piece on Brittany Spears’ announcement that she and her husband were splitting up.
With all that great news out there on the mid-term election and what a change in power could mean to the country, they chose to run that.
I wonder who makes those kinds of decisions and how much money they make.
I bet Spears couldn’t even tell us who the president is. But, that’s true about a lot of others across the country also.
Calling all volunteers
As you probably know, we have begun a weekly series on volunteers in Suffolk.
We want to showcase the work these men, women and young people do every day.
If you know of one who volunteers, send the information to me so we can contact them.
They give of themselves and ask nothing in return. They deserve some recognition.
Grant is the managing editor of the News-Herald. Contact him: or 934-9603.