65 Years Ago
Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 7, 2006
Fireman’s dinner attended by 100
Approximately 100 persons attended a dinner last night at the Lee-Jordan Clubhouse by the Suffolk Fire Company, at which the fireman entertained their wives and had as special guests city officials and representatives from fire companies in neighboring cities.
Fire Chief James H. Bangley of Suffolk presided as toastmaster, presenting Mayor Baynard O. Hill, City Manager James C. Causey, Volunteer Fireman George Truitt and Fire Chief Sykes of Smithfield. and Fire Chief Hall of Portsmouth, all of whom made short talks.
…Council members present in addition to Mayor Hill were L.H. Cathey, W.H. Whitley, P.H. Eve and Emmett Rawles.
Junior GA’s meet with Joyce Gatling
The Junior Girl’s Auxiliary of the First Baptist Church last night at the home of Joyce Gatling on South Main Street with the meeting called to order by Ruth Taylor. Devotionals were led by Helen Wesson, followed by Marjorie Baker.
An interesting program was presented by Ruth Griggs, Virginia Blair, Barbara Bexton, Anne Bell, Marjorie Baker, Billie and Tillie Barlow, and Helen Wesson.
Delicious refreshments were served to members by the hostess and her mother, Mrs. Gatling.
Fireman’s dinner attended by 100
Approximately 100 persons attended a dinner last night at the Lee-Jordan Clubhouse by the Suffolk Fire Company, at which the fireman entertained their wives and had as special guests city officials and representatives from fire companies in neighboring cities.
Fire Chief James H. Bangley of Suffolk presided as toastmaster, presenting Mayor Baynard O. Hill, City Manager James C. Causey, Volunteer Fireman George Truitt, Fire Chief Sykes of Smithfield, and Fire Chief Hall of Portsmouth, all of whom made short talks.
…Council members present in addition to Mayor Hill were L.H. Cathey, W.H. Whitley, P.H. Eve and Emmett Rawles.
C. of Commerce to meet Monday
The new board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce will hold its first monthly meeting Monday with election of officers as the principal item of business.
Members of the newly elected Chamber of Commerce Board are D.F. Barnett, Dr. B. Ralph Allen, Elmer Ebler, H.T. Jackson, R.O. Walker, J.R. Vann, Charles O. Lancaster, John Henry Powell, Paul Everett, Carr Hill, Harry Pettit, E.L. Emory, G.G. Hollinshead, and W. Frank Knight.
Suffolk to get $605,000 airport, GAA announces
New airports will be located at Cape Charles and Suffolk, under a Civil Aeronautics Authority Program, Rep. Bland was advised today.
Bland said he was told the program to be undertaken under the third supplemental defense appropriation called for a Class 3 airport at Cape Charles to cost approximately $628,000 and one at Suffolk to cost approximately $605,000.
Local authorities said today that they had no information on the airport from the Civil Aeronautics Authority or any other source. About a year ago, it was said, the federal government representatives cane to Suffolk and asked city officials if they would consider a proposition whereby the city would maintain an airport after the government built it. The offer was turned town.