Support for Dr. Debranski for Mayor

Published 8:38 pm Saturday, October 4, 2008

It has become quite obvious to me, as I have talked with many citizens of Suffolk during this campaign, that the leadership on City Council and the city management are out of touch with the needs of the citizens of Suffolk and have failed to create a viable strategy for the city’s economic welfare.

Recently, the Director of Economic Development left under strange circumstances with no real explanation. The Chairman of the Economic Development Authority was removed by some political action. Some time ago, the development officer that was to help coordinate downtown activity was released. What is the direction of the city? What is being done? How will it be done? These are just some of the questions that I’m hearing.

Dr. Mike Debranski is campaigning to be the city of Suffolk’s next mayor. He understands that the vitality of the entire city is greatly influenced by its economic growth. More than ever during these questionable times in our economy his leadership is needed. Dr. Debranski is greatly aware that strategies need to be put in place to help direct the city’s economic growth and create new job opportunities for Suffolk citizens. He understands that with this economic growth, new business will be created or relocated with the benefit that new taxes will come to the city. He will lead an effort to increase new employment opportunities, with new diversified jobs to help all of the citizens of Suffolk. He will encourage new businesses and industry to come and augment the city’s tax base. His focus will be based on business attraction and recruitment, business retention and expansion, and business creation and start-up. He will work closely with the Economic Development Department and Economic Development Authority to give those in authority all the tools they need to be productive in helping encourage economic growth in the city of Suffolk.

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Dr. Debranski will promote an atmosphere of cooperation within the city structure for all city departments to create a stable, reliable government with open communication. This structure will become the norm, not the exception. He will encourage participation with the citizenry and will be open to new ideas. He understands the need for workforce training to make the opportunities of employment more viable and will be an active participant in regional and state meetings. Suffolk will be represented at the table, and Suffolk’s interests will be protected and encouraged.

The core of the city is vital for the overall health of the entire city. It cannot be neglected any longer. Each “village” needs to be rediscovered, and energy is needed to help each segment of the city reach its potential. Mike will put pride and integrity back into our city and encourage each citizen to become a stakeholder in this effort. With this effort from all, the possibilities of having a lower tax base with the new business growth and more revenue for the city of Suffolk can become a reality.

I urge you to join me and vote for Dr. Mike Debranski for mayor of Suffolk on November 4th, 2008 . You’ll be proud that you did, and our great city will get back on track with sensible leadership that will be based upon integrity and a cooperative initiative that is inclusive for all Suffolk’s citizen.