Johnson’s leadership already proven

Published 8:54 pm Saturday, October 11, 2008

Suffolk will elect a mayor Nov. 4, and the real questions are, “Whom do we trust to manage a $500 million budget, and who has demonstrated the ability to lead our city?” The only answer to those questions is Linda Johnson.

Linda Johnson has shown leadership by:

Restoring financial stability to our city and reinstating the city’s bond rating, which saves all of Suffolk’s citizens money;

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Making the cuts necessary to build back Suffolk’s surplus to meet our bonding requirements;

Providing leadership and a well-trained emergency response in the aftermath of the tornadoes that hit Suffolk;

Lowering the tax rate in the face of higher assessments;

Moving forward stalled projects, such as the East Suffolk Complex;

And bringing in a new city manager and working to cut unproductive positions from the city staff, saving taxpayers millions of dollars.

We have watched all of the joint appearances of the candidates for mayor, and Linda Johnson is the only candidate who has the experience, who has provided leadership, who understands the problems that come with running a city and who has put forth a positive plan for leading Suffolk into the future.

Join us in electing her as mayor on Nov. 4.