Johnson needed at helm

Published 10:14 pm Tuesday, October 21, 2008

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following letter ran yesterday with several serious typographical errors. The Suffolk News-Herald is running it again to correct any misconceptions readers may have formed because of those errors.

Leaders can be counted on to keep their commitments, to do their jobs in a dependable way. They treat their jobs as a sacred trust, and they know how to motivate others to greater and greater accomplishment.

We have such a leader in Linda Johnson. As Babe Ruth said, “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.”

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Linda Johnson was there for the citizens of Suffolk after the tornado, working tirelessly and endlessly. She never gave up until the job was done, and she was a positive voice for our city during this tragedy.

During the past two years, Linda Johnson has worked diligently to get Suffolk to a healthy financial position. Our bond rating has been upgraded by the credit rating agencies. This is important for economic development, as well as easing the tax burden placed upon our citizens. She has made the financial health of the city a priority.

Linda Johnson is supported by all five Suffolk constitutional officers, as well as City Council members, the Economic Development Authority, the Planning Commission, the Redevelopment and Housing Authority, the School Board and former city manager James G. Vacalis.

Linda Johnson has shown true leadership skills in times of a natural disaster, as well as in critical financial times.

As the philosopher Syrus said, “Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.”

We need a true leader who never gives up when the going gets tough. The mayor has proven herself as a leader in the difficult times.

Linda Johnson has a love and a passion for our city. I, for one, want a leader with the passion to take Suffolk into the future and one who truly has the interests of the citizens of Suffolk at heart.

Please vote for Linda Johnson on Nov. 4.