Thankful for neighbors
Published 9:15 pm Wednesday, December 3, 2008
It sure was a memorable Thanksgiving holiday.
Our neighbors, James and Felecia and Kiera and their teenage daughter, invited us to their house for Thanksgiving Day. That night when my family and theirs gathered together, I believe that God was with us all in sharing what they had prepared, along with His blessings of a cozy, lovely and elegant home, with lots of food and friendship and that spirit of neighborliness.
First, we prayed and gave thanks to God for our chance to be together. Then James asked each one of us what we’re thankful for. I started by mentioning the Suffolk News-Herald, where my “Thanksgiving prayers and thoughts” column had been published that day. I recapped what I’d written and I again said thanks for the people I mentioned in my column article.
The rest of our group had their chance to give thanks, too. The last ones to speak were our gracious Thanksgiving hosts. While enjoying James’ cooking and healthy dishes, we had hours of fun-filled and animated discussions about the historic presidential election. I tell you, we brought their house down!
We were filled with tears and smiles about the historic election. We recounted waiting for hours to vote while the weather was gray and wet. We all agreed it was worth the wait and the sacrifice to be able to cast our votes that momentous day.
It was late at night when we said goodbye to James and Felecia and Kiera. We told them we had a good time, and they agreed. We also invited them for another Thanksgiving dinner in our house. We told them the turkey that we prepared had to be shared, too. They agreed. My neighbors came, as planned. We duplicated the experience we had in their home. That bonding that we had was made stronger when we hosted them, too. We surely made connections with them.
This could happen only in America. The spirit of hope, friendship and neighborliness transcended our expectations. We somewhat pledged that our friendship will continue on after the inauguration of Barack Obama. And we agreed that we’re all out to support our new president and vice president as they strive to make our country great and respected again.
Our neighbors are like a family, to me. I believe that they feel the same thing or the same way about us. We’re very much aware that we all live for one another, in good times and bad, regardless of what belief, creed, culture, color, educational or economic/social background we have. We’re all brothers and sisters, in God’s eyes.