Cut other costs, not planners

Published 9:58 pm Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The reduction of the Planning Commission from 14 members to eight will save very little, compared to other budget cuts that I recommend.

Cut membership dues in the following organizations to save the corresponding amounts of cash: Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, $65,432; Hampton Roads Partnership, $16,508; Hampton Roads Military and Federal Facilities Alliance, $39,255; and the Chamber of Commerce, $10,000.

Other budget items I would favor cutting are the Cultural Arts Center ($450,000), the old Phoenix Bank Building ($400,000) or the golf course fund ($1.7 million).

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Cut some of these nonessential organizational expenditures before cutting any of the Planning Commissioners. They represent the citizens of Suffolk and appear to be doing a good job for very little money.

We will also support a property tax reduction.