Snow close

Published 2:53 pm Thursday, January 22, 2009

For the past two nights people have been waiting anxiously for the answer to one big question: Is it going to snow tomorrow?

Well, nope, it didn’t.

I was just as surprised as many of you were to find that kids in Suffolk got the day off because of the mere threat of snow.

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When I was growing up, we were lucky if we got a two-hour delay. And the problem with the two-hour delay is you have to be up to watch TV to see “Virginia Beach City Public Schools – Two Hour Delay” scroll across the bottom of the screen, thus ruining the bonus of sleeping in.

It’s a problem.

I think in my entire school-going history I can recall one snow day. Maybe two.

And if I recall correctly, they wanted us to make up one of those days on a Saturday, and that’s, well, that’s just un-American.

Needless to say, yesterday, as I gazed out at the completely un-snowed on ground and saw teenager after teenager walking around and hanging out, I was bitter.

But it wasn’t just Suffolk students I was envying.

All day Tuesday I was getting text messages from my friends and sorority sisters at Old Dominion talking about how much they were enjoying their non-snow day.

Which made me even more bitter.

While I was at ODU, we never had a snow day.

One time they cancelled evening classes – but, you guessed it, we were already AT SCHOOL when they made that little announcement.

While I was getting more and more resentful, it all of the sudden hit me: I have had plenty of snow days.

I went to James Madison University my freshman year, and we had about three or four snow days that year (three or four snow days that my hallmates and I spent “traying” – taking trays from the dining hall and using them to go sliding down the hill at the technology building).

One of my best friends, Christy, went to Virginia Tech, which apparently was notorious for never calling a snow day, despite having three times as much snow as anyone else.

And I can remember the phone calls, me laughing at her going to school, her swearing at me in the cold.

So, let this be a lesson to you Suffolk kids. Take your snow days, enjoy them when you can get them, but be very humble about them.

You never know when they will be taken away from you.