Put a hold on Obici House plans
Published 9:08 pm Saturday, May 30, 2009
I have recently heard rumors that the future of the Obici House and its site are in jeopardy.
Amedeo Obici had and continues to have a significant impact on the economic, social, and physical wellness of the City of Suffolk and its citizens.
Due to the historical significance of the property and in recognition of Mr. Obici’s legacy, I believe that the city should impose a 12-month moratorium on any alteration to the Obici House, its outbuildings or site.
Furthermore, the city should work proactively with interested citizens to develop an economically viable and self-sustaining plan for the renovation and use of the property.
This property is a true asset for the City, and it would be irresponsible to allow it to be demolished without further consideration.