Kids College broadens students’ horizons

Published 9:29 pm Thursday, June 24, 2010

Last week’s column featured Kids College June offerings that began this past week. Following is a list of some of the unique offerings yet to begin:

Art Without Brushes

Meeting June 28 through July 2 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., this class, taught by Stephanie Hancock, is designed for rising second to fifth graders using nontraditional materials to show students how to create a unique piece of art without using a pencil or brush. Participants will learn to create a masterpiece with unusual and unlikely tools (yarn, sticks, straws, etc.) and discover the beauty in their finished products. Tuition is $80.

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Riverkeeper Adventures

In partnership with the Blackwater-Nottoway Riverkeeper Program, this summer option featuring an eco-cruise on the rivers (for a firsthand look at precious local resources) will be facilitated by Riverkeeper Jeff Turner. Three sessions from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. are scheduled: Session I, July 8, is for rising second to fourth graders; Session II, July 29, is also for rising second to fourth graders; and Session III, Aug. 12 is for rising fifth to eighth graders. Tuition for each session is $20.

Through the Looking Glass of Nursing

Designed for rising sixth through eighth graders, this class explores “through the looking glass” different nursing career paths with healthcare presenters, class discussions, demonstrations and hands-on interactive exercise. Participants also will learn about nursing careers while they handle simulated and nursing situations and complete CPR training and certification. Taught by the PDCCC Nursing Program Staff, the class meets July 19-22, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuition is $45.

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Taught by The Tidewater News staff, this special class designed for fifth to eighth graders invites

children to come and create the first edition of the Kids College News. Participants will learn how to write a news story, interview sources, take photographs, sell advertising, and design a newspaper page. At the end of the week, they will also travel to The Tidewater News and see their work in print as it comes out — hot off the press! Offered in partnership with The Tidewater News, the class meets July 19 through July 22, from 9 a.m. to noon. Tuition is $40.

Calling Dr. Doolittle

For rising 10th to 12th graders who are considering a career with animals, this offering addresses a career in veterinary medicine with a hands-on introduction to working with animals. Meeting at the Bear Path Acres Animal Education Center, participants learn what it takes to give quality care to animals. Taught by Debbie Jarratt of Bear Path Acres, this class meets on July 13, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuition is $25.

Course lists by ages; course descriptions, dates and times; and registration materials are available online at Since class sizes are limited, early registration is encouraged. Call 569-6050 for more details.

For information on other options available at PDCCC, call 569-6700 or visit