Whitney named to superintendent post

Published 11:05 pm Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dr. Deran Whitney was named Monday to the superintendent's post for Suffolk Public Schools.

The Suffolk School Board has chosen its next superintendent to fill the top position in the system.

Dr. Deran Whitney will assume the position in January. He had filled it on an interim basis since Milton Liverman’s retirement at the end of June.

“I’m excited and pleased that the board has decided to trust me with this position,” Whitney said.

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He is a graduate of Christopher Newport University, Old Dominion University and Virginia Tech. After working for Hampton schools early in his career, he transferred to Suffolk, where he and his family were living and his wife, Conjo, was teaching.

In his 13 years in Suffolk, he has worked as an assistant principal at Southwestern Elementary, principal at Elephant’s Fork Elementary, elementary coordinator, assistant superintendent of elementary education and deputy superintendent.

Whitney also has one daughter in ninth grade in the school system.

Whitney has assumed his latest role as interim superintendent on July 1. His was one of 17 applications for the permanent position, which the board advertised from the time Liverman announced his retirement at the end of April through August.

By October, the board had narrowed its selection to four applicants. Two were from within the Suffolk system.

According to School Board Chairwoman Lorraine Skeeter, Whitney was the best person for the job.

“He’s 100 percent committed to help the system and reach our goals,” Skeeter said. “He has worked with the system and knows where we are and where we plan to go.”

She added that his wealth of knowledge, dedication, vision and made him stand out from others.

In an online survey taken from community members, parents and teachers, more than a quarter of the 70-plus responses included the opinion that the new superintendent should come from outside the Suffolk system.

“We looked at each person and their abilities, skills knowledge and vision,” Skeeter said. “His vision was the greatest.”

Whitney said he plans to solicit more community support and opinion, keep the community better informed and work collaboratively to continue community support, he said.

He added that change will always occur when someone new comes into a position.

“When something isn’t working, we have to go beyond what we know and explore other options and what does work,” Whitney said.

Skeeter said she expects Whitney’s contract to be ready by the December Board meeting.

Whitney added his former position will be advertised “as soon as possible.”