Boone publishes book on angels
Published 9:10 pm Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The Rev. Brenda L. Sears Boone has published a new book, “Jesus Is Real, Heaven Is Real, And Angels Are Real Too!” through PublishAmerica.
“I had been praying for an answer from the Lord, and one night I was awakened by a very warm feeling around me and when I opened my eyes, I saw two very tall angels dressed in white apparel standing before me,” Boone said, recalling her inspiration for the book.
Boone is an ordained minister; an adjunct and assistant professor; a recording artist, writer, arranger, composer and musician; founder and CEO of Higher Praise Community Choir; and a published author.
“They spoke suddenly, and that is why I was not afraid, because I could tell they were sent by God,” recalled of the night she saw the angels. “The first angel said, ‘I am Michael,’ and the second angel said, ‘And I am Gabriel,’ and Michael said, ‘Be not afraid,’ and Gabriel said, ‘We have come to tell you that everything is going to be all right.’
“Then they disappeared before my eyes; my problems were resolved the very next day. So who would say that angels are not real and just a fairy tale? God directs the work of His angels.”