Parks employee honored

Published 1:19 pm Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Suffolk Parks and Recreation employee has been honored for his work in helping make Suffolk a healthier place to live.



Recreation specialist Roberto Ramos received the 2013 Outstanding New Professional Award from the Virginia Recreation and Park Society at the organization’s 2014 conference in Hot Springs.

In his short time with Suffolk Parks and Recreation, Ramos has increased athletics and healthy initiatives in the community, while continuing the development of youth and adult athletic programs for the city.

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Through the creation of the Lil Program for ages 4-5 years old to the very first outdoor soccer league, as well as numerous additions and expanded programing of summer sports camps, new adult athletic leagues and community trips to the Norfolk Tides, Ramos has grown athletics programs for Suffolk Parks and Recreation.

Ramos has been a member of VRPS since 2008. He has attended four VRPS conferences and has volunteered as a mentor at two VRPS conferences and a presenter at the 2012 VRPS conference. He assisted with the Virginia Senior Games during the last two years and has contributed many volunteer hours to help the organization.

Ramos is currently a board member of VRPS Eastern Service Area and has been an integral part in planning, organizing and developing summer survival for the eastern service area during the last two years.

“Mr. Ramos is very much deserving of the outstanding new professional award for his contributions over the last six years, not only in Suffolk, but through his many travels throughout Hampton Roads, VRPS and dedication to growing the Eastern Service Area,” Suffolk Parks and Recreation Director Lakita Watson said

More than 350 delegates from around the state gathered at the 60th annual VRPS conference Dec. 6-9. The conference provides an opportunity for recreation and park professionals to discuss areas of common interest and receive continuing education units.