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Free pharmacist consultations

Published 10:15 pm Thursday, January 8, 2015

Every Friday next month, patients can bring their medications to the Good Health Pharmacy at Bon Secours Health Center at Harbour View for a free consultation.

A registered pharmacist will discuss appropriate schedules for taking prescription and over-the-counter medications and vitamin supplements, along with noting potential side effects and answering questions, according to a news release.

“Patients should regularly consult their pharmacist about any new medications … to understand how they might interact with existing medications,” Good Health pharmacist Aviance Lewis stated.

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“We feel the more information our patients have, the better prepared they will be to take their medications properly and enjoy good health.”

The pharmacy is located at 5818-D Harbour View Blvd, Suite 100. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call 541-1100.