Success has your name on it

Published 10:35 pm Thursday, April 16, 2015

By Domenick Epps

Welcome to the point at which you have finally stopped, looked and analyzed your environment.

You noticed that there were some around you that just weren’t going where you are headed. Their lifestyle was leading them in a direction contrary to where you were headed. So, like Jonah, even though you had boarded the boat, during the course of the cruise you decided to “jump ship” and chance going into an area of business that could consume you.

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Gracefully you trusted God, and there was a great fish waiting to lodge you while you experienced the paradigm shift.

Focusing on your destiny, it was time to cut ties and cut loose from distractions and do what you have desired and were predestined to do. For me, that meant concluding it was my destiny to sell real estate. It’s a business that is not for the faint of heart, but for those who are willing to do the unthinkable to achieve the possible.

To achieve a high level of success and remain significant, you must remain hungry and humble. Humility levels the head, while hunger pumps the heart. So when someone asks the question “How is the market,” my response is “Fantastic! And I’m enjoying every second of it.”

But it all started by realizing I did not want to stay where I was. That determination led to more than 60 hours of pre-licensing education and eventually passing four challenging exams. Like me, you can finally put procrastination in its grave and reap the benefits.

Success has your name written all on it! Don’t turn back.

Domenick Epps is a Suffolk resident, real estate agent and youth pastor. Email him at