Lovely Luscious Lemons for Beauty

Published 2:48 pm Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Time for a refreshing homemade lemonade poured over ice cubes as you sit on your back porch and drink in the fresh air. Be sure to buy extra lemons as you prepare for relaxing spring mornings and lazy afternoons.

Lemons are not only good for juicing and improving health, from your digestion to lowering blood pressure, but are also excellent beauty supplements.

● Rub half of a lemon on your face –it’s antibacterial and antifungal properties act as a natural antiseptic to treat acne.

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● Press a piece of lemon gently into your skin to fade dark spots and minimize burn scars.

● Lemon juice on your hair can treat dandruff and give your hair shine as it strips away dulling soaps.

● Clean your nails with lemon juice, mixed with olive oil, and you will soon see whiter and stronger nails.

Store your cosmetic lemons in a glass bowl or jar in your bathroom or bedroom and you’ll also brighten your day with color and a spring time aroma!