City earns awards

Published 9:25 pm Thursday, May 28, 2015

Many city employees who have recently won awards are pictured. They include Frank Poulin of the Media and Community Relations Department, second from left; Clint Rudy, library director, second from right; and the following employees of the Finance Department: Lenora Reid, Adesoji Johnson, Amy Trahan, Anthony Diggs, Cindy Norfleet, Irene Cartagena, Jay Smigielski, Kyera Pope, LaPorscha Preston, Melinda Sawyer, Opal McCleod, Sharlay Wofford, Sherry Hunt, Susan Baines, Tealen Hansen, Terry Faulk, Tracey Dickens, Yvonne Fagbuyi and Yvonne Gwaltney. Not pictured are Pamela Briggs and Mimi Terry. (City of Suffolk photo)

Many city employees who have recently won awards are pictured. They include Frank Poulin of the Media and Community Relations Department, second from left; Clint Rudy, library director, second from right; and the following employees of the Finance Department: Lenora Reid, Adesoji Johnson, Amy Trahan, Anthony Diggs, Cindy Norfleet, Irene Cartagena, Jay Smigielski, Kyera Pope, LaPorscha Preston, Melinda Sawyer, Opal McCleod, Sharlay Wofford, Sherry Hunt, Susan Baines, Tealen Hansen, Terry Faulk, Tracey Dickens, Yvonne Fagbuyi and Yvonne Gwaltney. Not pictured are Pamela Briggs and Mimi Terry. (City of Suffolk photo)

Suffolk city employees and departments recently have been honored with a number of awards.

The Media and Community Relations Department received a 2015 Silver Awards of Distinction from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts for the 2014 Popular Annual Financial Report. The department did graphics work for the report, which was produced in conjunction with the Finance Department. The report is intended to provide an overview of the city’s financial operations in a user-friendly manner. Hard copies of the report are available at city libraries, city hall and recreation centers.

The Suffolk Public Library was honored with the Innovative Outreach Award and the Outstanding Website Award at the Virginia Public Library Directors Association. The Innovative Outreach Award was given for the Pop-Up Library program, which allows the library to expand access to its services and increase awareness of what the library has to offer by setting up temporary locations throughout the community at events and other venues.

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In addition, the Finance Department recently won a Certificate of Excellence in Citizen-Centric Reporting from the Association of Government Accountants and a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.

The citizen-centric report for 2014 was awarded by the Association of Government Accountants. The four-page publication contained information on financial performance and a look at what the city expects the future to hold.

The award from the Government Finance Officers Association was the for 2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, which makes available numerous financial metrics for the city.