Inspire Health

Healthy fun in the summer sun

Summertime is here again, and that means it's time to take all the best precautions against the sun, ...

Inspire Health

Stay energetic during your fun-filled summer

With warmer weather brings increased activity requiring loads of energy.

Inspire Health

Hot tips for thrift travelers

From eating to entertainment, college student Amber Deemer is learning to stretch her dollar by being frugal at ...

Inspire Health

Is gluten just another buzz word?

As a lifestyle expert, I pay close attention to trends, and gluten is one topic gaining increasing popularity.

Inspire Health

Lacey’s summer salad

By: Lacey Knuttila WHAT YOU NEED: 2 heads of romaine lettuce 2 cups of arugula 2 large carrots ...

Inspire Health

Overcome Nature- Deficit Disorder

In his bestselling book, "Last Child in the Woods," Richard Louv spawned an exciting debate that sparked a ...

Inspire Health

The busy mom workout

Are you a busy mom struggling to cram the gym into your daily schedule? Let's face it, sometimes ...

Inspire Health

The 6-N-1 beauty product every woman needs

A woman's beauty bag can consist of anything from eye makeup remover, toner, moisturizer, up to several other ...

Inspire Health

Stop trying to do it all — do this instead

If the term "work-life balance" makes you roll your eyes, you wouldn't be alone. According to the American ...

Inspire Health

Nature’s most refreshing drink

Not to be confused with coconut milk, coconut water is the clear liquid found in young coconuts before ...

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